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How to Sell A Car Battery for Cash

Selling a car battery for cash is easier than you think. There are a few avenues you can take to unload your old lead acid batteries and make some quick cash. So, before you go out and buy a new one, let’s look at how to sell a car battery for cash. You might be surprised at the options available to you!

Is selling dead or used car batteries worth it?

The short answer is yes, selling used car batteries can be a great way to make some extra money. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before you start accepting battery donations.

You first need to decide if the battery is completely dead or just used because that will decide where you will sell it, and how much you will get. A used battery will be worth more than one that is completely dead.

Where should I take a used car battery?

A used car battery is a bit more difficult to get rid of than a dead one, but you should get a bit more for it.

Sell a car battery

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook marketplace is a great place to sell your used car battery. You can list it for free and reach a large audience of potential buyers. Plus, you can target your listing to people who are looking for a used car battery in your area.

To get started, simply log into Facebook and create a listing. Be sure to include a photo of the battery, a brief description, and your asking price. Be prepared for people to try and barter for a lower price!

Newspaper Classifieds

Not sure what to do with that slightly used car battery? Why not list it in the newspaper classifieds? You might be surprised at how many people are willing to pay for a slightly used battery. Just make sure you are honest about the condition of the battery so people know what they are getting.


Craigslist like the options is a great spot to sell used items. You can easily target local people who are actively searching for used car batteries. There are a lot of scammers on craigslist so be careful what info you give out.

Pawn Shop

Most of us are familiar with the phrase “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” However, when it comes to used car batteries, this adage doesn’t seem to hold.

Used car batteries are notoriously difficult to sell, and even pawn shops are often reluctant to take them off your hands. The reason for this is simple: there just isn’t a very large market for used car batteries. It may be worth a try, but you will probably have to resort to another spot on our list.

Where should I take a dead battery?

A dead car battery won’t make you as much as a still-functioning used battery but there are still plenty of places you can take it for a few extra bucks.

Your Local Auto Parts Store

Auto parts stores are usually known for selling car parts but if you’re looking to get rid of an old car battery, your local auto parts stores may be just the ticket. Most stores will be happy to take it off your hands in exchange for a discount on a brand-new battery.

Also, some auto parts stores may offer to buy the old battery outright. As an example, Advance Auto Parts will take your old car battery in exchange for a gift card. That’s a great deal for something that was just taking up space in your garage!

Either way, it’s a win-win situation for both you and the store. So next time you need to get rid of a used car battery, remember to check with your local auto parts store first.

Local Scrap Yards

Most people have no idea that their local scrap yard will take almost anything with metal in it, and what’s better is they will pay you for it! There is a whole industry dedicated to recycling scrap metal and old car batteries.

Take your used car batteries to the scrap metal yard, which they then dismantle and sell the parts to companies that make new batteries. The lead and acid are cleaned and melted down, while the plastic is sold to be made into new car battery cases.

The price they give you will depend on current market prices for the materials the dead batteries contain. If you only have one used battery it won’t make much of a difference, but if you have a collection built up, it may be worth timing the market to get the best price.

Metal Recycling Centers

Many people don’t realize that old car batteries can be recycled for cash. Most metal recycling plants will pay you for your car battery. The metals are then sold to companies that use them to make new car batteries.

The car battery recycling process helps to conserve resources, and it also is great for the environment. So if you have an old car battery, don’t Throw it away – take it to a metal recycling plant and get paid for it!

Auto Repair Shops

Some auto repair shops will give you money for your used battery instead of trading them in for a new one. This is more convenient than going to a scrap yard and haggling over prices, but you won’t get as much money this way.

The auto repair shop needs to make money for their time, and they do this by paying you less than what they receive from the scrap yard. So if you don’t feel like dealing with a scrap yard or recycling center this is a great quick option.

Scrap Salvage Yards

Do you have an old car battery sitting around gathering dust? Or maybe your car battery died and you had to buy a new one. Either way, you can take that old battery to a scrap salvage yard and sell it for a few dollars.

Most people don’t know that you can sell used car batteries. And it’s not just old batteries – even dead batteries have value. So if you’ve got an old battery sitting around, don’t just throw it away. Take it to a scrap yard and get some money for it.

Who knows, you might make a few dollars from selling your old battery. And even if you don’t, at least you’re doing your part to recycle and reuse materials instead of just sending them to the landfill. So next time you’ve got an old battery, think about taking it to a scrap salvage yard. It could be worth your while.


There are a few different ways that you can go about selling your old or used car battery. You can take it to a scrap yard, sell it to an auto repair shop, or recycle it at a metal recycling center.

No matter which way you choose, you’re doing your part to help the environment by recycling materials instead of just throwing them away. And even better, make a little bit of cash you weren’t planning on!



does autozone buy used batteries?

Autozone battery recycling will take your old battery as a trade in towards a new battery, or in some cases will take the battery in exchange for a gift card.

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