How much overtime is too much?

How Much Overtime is Too Much?

Are you someone who’s been burning the midnight oil at work lately? Perhaps you’ve been putting in those extra hours to impress your boss, or maybe you’re just trying to make ends meet.

Whatever the reason, working overtime can have its benefits, but it can also take a toll on your health and well-being if you don’t know when to draw the line.

That’s where we come in! In this complete guide, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of overtime, from legal regulations to the signs of working too much, and provide you with tips on how to manage your workload effectively as well as ways to avoid overtime altogether!

What is Overtime?

what is overtime

So, what is overtime? Essentially, overtime is any time worked over and above your normal 40 working hours. Overtime is usually compensated at a higher rate than your regular pay, making it an attractive option for those looking to earn some extra cash. The standard rate for overtime is usually time and a half (1.5x) or depending on the circumstances as much as double time(2x)!

Overtime is often required when there’s a high workload, a tight deadline, or when covering for absent colleagues. However, it’s important to remember that too much overtime has its downsides as well.

So, while it can be a great opportunity to earn some extra money, it’s important to keep a close eye on how much you’re working to ensure that you’re not putting your health, family life, and well-being at risk.

Is it worth working overtime?

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of work and forget about the importance of taking breaks and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 

However, it’s crucial to keep an eye on how much overtime you’re working, as too much of it can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and health problems. Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your job. 

Knowing when you’re working too much overtime can help you prioritize your workload, manage your stress levels, and ultimately avoid becoming overwhelmed by your job.

By keeping a close eye on your overtime hours, you can ensure that you’re taking care of yourself and performing at your best on the job.

Who should work overtime?

When it comes to working overtime, it’s good to have a goal in mind, and not just make working overtime a way of life for yourself

There is no doubt that over time can be very lucrative for a person. But be sure that you aren’t increasing your lifestyle to your “new” wages. It’s more common than you would think that people become accustomed to their wages, and are forced to maintain their increased working habits to be able to maintain their lifestyle. 

When working overtime, it’s important to have a savings goal or specific debt payoff in mind. By doing so, you can improve your finances while also avoiding the risk of getting stuck working overtime all the time

What are the Benefits of Working overtime?

Benefits of working overtime is more money

Working overtime comes with a host of benefits. Let’s explore a few of them.

increased income

The most obvious benefit of working overtime is the increased wages. Once you hit 40 hours a week you should be making time and a half. 

Making extra money is almost always a good thing when it comes to reaching your financial goals. Remember to stay focused on the goals you have set as to not start carelessly spending and having little to show for your hard work.

opportunities for advancement

In addition to increased pay, working overtime can also provide opportunities for career advancement. By showing your dedication and commitment to your job through your willingness to work overtime, you may catch the attention of your employer or supervisor. This can lead to opportunities for promotion or advancement within your company, as well as the chance to take on more challenging and rewarding tasks

In some cases, working overtime may even open up opportunities to work on special projects or assignments that can help you build new skills and expand your professional network

While it’s important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and not overdo it with overtime, taking advantage of these opportunities can be a great way to advance your career and achieve your professional goals.

improved skills

If you’re looking to become a master of your craft, there’s no doubt that you need to put in the time and effort to hone your skills. 

Working overtime can be a great way to do just that. By putting in extra hours on the job, you can gain valuable experience, learn new techniques, and refine your craft. Whether you’re a writer, a designer, a programmer, or any other type of professional, working overtime can help you build your skills and achieve your goals faster. 

Of course, it’s important to strike a balance and not overdo it, but if you’re looking to take your career to the next level, working overtime can be a powerful tool to help you get there.

What are some Reasons Overtime May be Too Much

Stress from too much over time

Let’s look at a few reasons why overtime may be too much for you.

Personal Reasons

If you are working too much overtime, you may be sacrificing other things in your life that have meaning. Though this blog is dedicated to financial things, we can’t forget to live life. 

One of the number one regrets of older adults is working too much when they were younger. As humans, it is natural to always be focused on the next goal and forget what we have in the here and now. 

It’s great to have goals and to be focused on your financial future, but don’t forget you are only young and healthy once, and your kids are only little for a short while. Remember to pull yourself away from your work from time to time to breathe the fresh air and spend time with the people in your life that make it all worth it.

Burnout and Decreased Productivity

One of the biggest risks of working too much overtime is burnout. When you’re constantly pushing yourself to work longer and harder, it’s easy to become exhausted and overwhelmed. 

This can lead to decreased productivity, poor job performance, and even physical and mental health problems. Here are some of the signs of job burnout.

  • Increased Fatigue
  • Poor sleep or requiring more sleep
  • Becoming more irritable with co-workers
  • Unexplained physical ailments (headaches)
  • Increasing use of drugs or alcohol
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Increased worrying or anxiety

It’s important to remember that taking breaks and prioritizing self-care is crucial to maintaining your overall well-being and job satisfaction. While working overtime may be necessary at times, it’s important to avoid making it a regular habit and to be mindful of your limits and boundaries

Health Problems

Increased stress from work can lead to many health-related problems. It’s important to take note of the signs and symptoms of burnout before they lead to bigger issues down the road.

If you aren’t able to control your stress levels, your health is at risk. Here are some health-related problems that can be directly linked to increased stress over an extended period.

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Migraines
  • Substance Abuse
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Strokes
  • Obesity
  • Depression and Anxiety

I promise you; these aren’t health problems you want to be involved with. If you are noting any of the early warning signs for any of the diseases above, you need to make changes before it’s too late. 

Preventing diseases by modifying your life is a much better solution than attempting to treat a disease you already have.

Do yourself a favor and find a way to get away from the office and focus on improving your health today! 

Start a budget, sell your stuff, save more, work less, and start living your life!

Federal and State Laws

Federal and state laws on overtime

If you are starting to get pushback at your job because you are working too much overtime, this is a good sign you may be working too much overtime. 

As much as I dislike the government telling private citizens what they can and cannot do, this may be one subject you may want to listen to. (Another subject for another time!)

Because there are so many varying state and federal laws about overtime we won’t be discussing them here. If you want to know more, the Department of Labor is a good place to start your research.

I’m sure the government spent an exorbitant amount of money studying the maximum amount of overtime a person can work per week and setting up safeguards. If you are working so much time, that you are bumping into those safeguards, it’s safe to say you are also bordering on working too much overtime.

How to manage overtime effectively

Now that we have reviewed all the terrible things that can happen when you work too much overtime, let’s see how to prevent all that and manage your overtime effectively.

Improve your finances

My favorite way to manage overtime is to not work it at all! For most people that may sound impossible, but with the proper money mindset and financial goals it could be possible for you. Let’s take a look at five easy steps to a better financial you!

1. Find and create a budget

There are lots of options out there and I even have a few posts here that you can check out. Without knowing where your money is going, no amount of income will improve your relationship with money.

2. Sell your stuff

Look around at all the things you have bought and are still paying for! Could you live without them? Would you trade them to work less and spend more time doing the things you love? If you answered yes, then What are you Waiting For? 

Get rid of the things that are a burden on your finances and replace them with things you can afford. If you have an $800-a-month car payment, replace it with a  $400-a-month car payment. If you have a $2,000 mortgage, replace it with a $1,500 mortgage. If you have a $8,000 ATV in the garage you never use, sell it and pay off your debt… It’s really that simple, here’s a great way I like to think about things that make life so much simpler. 

When you purchase an item, you are giving away time you could be spending with your family or doing something you love, and giving it to your job. 

3. Save More

Now that you have a budget, and hopefully reduce your monthly expenditures, you should have more money available to you to save. Short-term, or long-term, the choice is yours, just set a goal that will advance your way of life (more than just financially) and stick with it!

4. Work Less

If you have followed the three previous steps you should be ready to start working less! This could mean cutting down on overtime or cutting it out of your life completely. You could even be cutting back to less than 40 hours a week, which is an amazing achievement! Whatever it is it should bring a better work-life balance which is what we all could use more of.

5. Live your life

Now instead of waiting for “someday” to live your life, or follow your dreams, you can start doing what you always wanted now. Be it starting your own business, traveling more, or maybe just spending more time with your family, the choice is now yours. Life isn’t a rat race to see who can make the most; make enough to live a life you are satisfied with and live it to the fullest!

Tips for managing workload and prioritizing tasks

Managing a heavy workload and prioritizing tasks can be challenging, but there are a few strategies you can use to make it easier. 

First, make a list of all the tasks you need to complete, and then rank them in order of importance. This can help you stay focused on the most critical tasks and avoid getting bogged down by smaller or less urgent tasks. 

Next, consider breaking larger tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps. This can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and make it easier to stay on track. 

Additionally, be sure to take regular breaks and prioritize self-care to avoid burnout and maintain your productivity. 

Finally, don’t be afraid to delegate tasks or ask for help when needed. Working as a team can help you get more done in less time and make your workload feel more manageable overall.

Techniques for managing stress and avoiding burnout

Yoga to lower stress and avoid burnout

When you’re working long hours and juggling a heavy workload, it’s easy to become stressed and burned out. To avoid this, it’s important to develop techniques for managing stress and maintaining your well-being. 

One effective strategy is to practice mindfulness, which involves being present and fully engaged at the moment. This can help you stay focused and calm, even during a busy workday. 

Another strategy is to exercise regularly, which can help relieve tension and improve your mood. I am not a personal trainer, but from personal experience, I can tell you, you should not only be doing cardio. It’s important to also fit weight training into your workout schedule, it will make a huge difference in how you feel. (Not workout advice)

Additionally, be sure to prioritize rest, whether that means taking a short break to meditate or simply disconnecting from work in the evenings. 

Finally, be sure to seek support from friends, family, or colleagues when needed. Talking to others and getting help can be a powerful way to manage stress and avoid burnout in the long run.

Strategies for achieving work-life balance

Work-life balance is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it can be challenging to achieve, especially in today’s fast-paced world. Balancing work and personal life can feel like a constant struggle, with demands from both sides competing for your time and attention. 

However, with a few key strategies, it’s possible to find a better balance and improve your quality of life overall. Here are some tips to help you achieve a more balanced life:

  1. Set Boundaries: One of the most important steps to achieving work-life balance is to set clear boundaries between work and personal time. This means being intentional about when you work and when you take time for yourself and your loved ones. It can be helpful to set specific hours for work and to avoid checking emails or taking calls outside of those hours.
  2. Prioritize Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is essential for achieving work-life balance. This means making time for activities that bring you joy and help you recharge, such as exercise, hobbies, or spending time with friends and family. 
  3. Learn to Say No: Saying no can be difficult, but it’s important to set limits and avoid taking on too much. This means being selective about the projects and commitments you take on and learning to say no to requests that don’t align with your priorities or goals.
  4. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for achieving work-life balance. By being present and fully engaged at the moment, you can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. This can mean taking a few minutes to meditate, going for a walk in nature, or simply focusing on your breathing. Breathing technique I personally use. It works!
  5. Seek Support: Finally, don’t be afraid to seek support from friends, family, or colleagues. Talking to others can be a powerful way to manage stress and find solutions to the challenges of balancing work and personal life.

By implementing these strategies, you can achieve a more balanced, fulfilled life that allows you to thrive both personally and professionally. Try these techniques and see if they can bring some joy back into your life.


In conclusion, working overtime can be a great way to increase your income, gain new skills, and even advance your career. However, it’s important to remember that too much overtime can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and health problems. It’s crucial to keep an eye on how much overtime you’re working, prioritize your workload, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. While it can be tempting to work overtime all the time, it’s important to have a savings goal or specific debt payoff in mind to avoid getting stuck in a cycle of overworking. Remember to take breaks, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy the present moment while still working towards your financial goals.

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